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We believe that the foods you eat are the first step toward a healthy lifestyle, so we created Guiding Stars as a tool to help you make healthy choices, bringing you closer to your lifestyle goals one meal at a time.

What is Guiding Stars?

As you go through each aisle of our store, you'll see shelf tags on products showing a Guiding Stars rating. These can help you identify more nutritious choices. The more nutritional value a food has, the more stars it gets.

Guiding Stars is not intended to tell you what to buy, but rather point you toward foods that have more nutritional value while having less added and artificial substances.

How it works

With Guiding Stars, foods receive a score based on the Nutrition Facts label and the ingredients list. Credits are given for nutrients we should be eating more of and debits for nutrients that we should have less of. Guiding Stars' patented algorithm looks at the balance of these credits and debits to determine the nutrient density per 100 calories. This allows foods to be rated individually against a strict standard, instead of simply comparing them to each other.

All foods are rated and those that are more nutritious are marked with easy-to-follow tags indicating 1, 2 or 3 stars. The more nutritional value a food has, the more Guiding Stars it gets.

Guiding Stars is objective, based on science and national/international policies, and not influenced by price, brand or manufacturer trade groups. With over 100,000 rated foods, making nutritious choices for you and your family is now simple… and even fun!

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